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Tips To Prevent Cybercrime

4 March 2024

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Cybercrime is one of the most critical concerns across the world. It is defined as any criminal activity that involves a computer, network or networked device

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Its main motive is financial gain. Others use it to spread malware, illegal information, images or other materials. Here are some tips to prevent cybercrimes

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Use strong passwords which are combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols. Use different passwords for different sites

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Avoid saving passwords in your browsers. Hackers find it easier to log in using credentials stored in browsers

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Prevent viruses from infecting your computer by installing and regularly updating anti-virus software

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Ensure your operating systems and internet security software are up-to-date. It is easy for cybercriminals to enter a system which is outdated 

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Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) to keep your internet network secure. It encrypts all the traffic before it reaches your device

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Make sure your social networking profiles are set to private and be careful about the information you post online

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Avoid clicking on links from unknown websites or spam emails 

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Email attachments are common ways by which computers are attacked by malware. Never open an attachment sent to you by an unknown source

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